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Approach: INSPIRED

Information and Integrity (Morocco)

This project aimed at strengthening the role of civil society in promoting transparency in Morocco. By providing digital tools and creating spaces for dialogue, this project supported civil society organisations in advocating, monitoring and evaluating transparency and anti-corruption policies in cooperation with public authorities and independent institutions. In addition, it sought to raise awareness among citizens of the benefits they can gain from more effective implementation of transparency policies. The main activities included monitoring and evaluating public policy, creating civic tech solutions, facilitating dialogue and cooperation, and awareness-raising. For more information, visit the project website.

EQUAL | EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia

Elevating and empowering women in Armenia to bring about societal change across the country.

The project aims to elevate and empower women in Armenia to bring about societal change across the country. To do so EQUAL provides women duly support to exercise their political, economic and socio-cultural rights, targeting specifically those from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Thanks to the project, state and non-state actors will take meaningful actions to address and prevent all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination and contribute to gender equality in Armenia for women, men, girls, and boys in all their diversity.


Empowered Civil Society for Increased Social Accountability in Moldova –  Supporting Moldovan CSOs as actors of governance to improve social accountability

This project empowers Moldovan civil society organisations’ (CSOs) to better perform their role as actors of governance to improve social accountability of the local and central government of Moldova. It does so by strengthening the capacity of more than grassroot organisations from 10 districts to participate in, monitor and advocate for greater public accountability and to take part in policy dialogue with the Local Public Authorities (LPAs) and the central government.  A learning-by-doing approach will allow the capacitated CSOs to establish meaningful local partnerships and alliances with LPAs that will result in change-making coalitions to close the accountability gap and respond to the needs of communities. For more information, visit the project webpage.


    • A Guide on best practices for participatory budgeting developed by Caroma Nord, to support local CSOs and LPAs in setting up frameworks for participatory budgeting at the local level. It is available here in Romanian language.

    • A Guide on access to information of public interest developed by CPR Moldova to support citizens and CSOs’ requesting information to public authorities, following the procedures of the Law no. 148 regarding access to information of public interest. It is available here in Romanian language.

    • Primării Transparente – a Civic tech tool to easily access LPAs documents and data developed by Implicare Plus. It is available here.

Djuntu pa igualdadi! (Cape Verde)

A participatory response to gender-based violence

This project aimed to contribute to the fostering of a favourable legal, institutional and social environment in Cape Verde for the promotion of women’s rights, more specifically of those of GBV victims. The project sought to promote a climate in which public authorities paid respect to their obligations and women’s socio economic inclusion and participation in public life was increased. It was implemented by a consortium of four organisations: EPD, the Associação Caboverdiana de Luta Contra Violência Baseada no Género (ACLCVBG), the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and Club de Madrid (CdM) and was funded by the European Union. For more information click here.

Promoción de la participación ciudadana a nivel nacional y local en el ciclo de las Políticas Públicas de Protección Social para la cohesión en Paraguay

This ongoing project aims to support the progressive implementation of the Social Protection System (SPS). This will be achieved through the exercise of citizen’s rights, their democratic participation and the demands of citizens for the reduction of inequalities in the objective of improving social cohesion. The focus of the project is placed on citizen participation and community empowerment in the implementation and monitoring of policies associated with the SPS. A further emphasis is put on children, youth and women both at national and local levels. Public authorities from 12 Paraguayan districts and 6 departments have become involved in the activities, collaborating with citizens, youth and women’s organisations. Media and the private sector have also become involved at various levels to strengthen the policy and further improve its sustainability.

Nuestros derechos en la Agenda 2030 (Paraguay)

This project sought to facilitate dialogue in policy making regarding the social rights of children, putting emphasis on gender inclusion and sustainable development. It was jointly pursued by the European Partnership for Democracy and the Coordinadora por los Derechos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia. For more information click here.

Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality

This project sought to strengthen the ability of CSOs acting on a regional level to participate in sustainable development, build regional cohesion and resilience as well as influence policy making in the Southern Neighborhood and the Euro-Mediterranean Space. This aimed to address the absence of civil society as an for regional change in the southern Neighborhood. This was to take place in a new regional perspective with enhanced south-south and south-north exchanges. The project also aimed to address the shrinking civil society spaces in the region, strengthening civil society and young activists by enhancing their ability to strategize, cooperate and advocate for rights, social cohesion and sustainable development. For more information click here.

Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality

Media Dialogue (Kyrgyzstan)

This project aimed to solidify the national media environment and to engage media representatives, public decision makers and civil society in a dialogue about the challenges affecting the media sector. This dialogue was to be led in the hope of jointly developing a roadmap to amend the existing media policy and legal framework. To achieve this three pathways were privileged: multi-stakeholder dialogue, enhanced media professionalisation and reinforcement of the media’s economic independence. To this effect workshops, dialogue meetings and technical assistance were set up and studies, reports, monitoring of media were conducted. Furthermore sub-grants and legal reforms were put on the table.

Media Dialogue (Kyrgyzstan)


This project sought to offer a sustainable and constructive solution for enhancing the role of civil society in public and policy affairs in cooperation with local authorities. Following the parliamentary elections in 2010, civil society had gained increased operating space as well as an opportunity to participate in political developments in Myanmar. However these CSOs lacked the strategic focus and capacity to formulate and execute their visions, in part as a consequence of pre-set donor narratives for country based funding. INSPIRED Myanmar sought to help provide an alternative. 


Location: Armenia, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines

This project aimed at supporting local actors in nine countries in identifying, analysing and monitoring domestic policies liable to hinder the implementation of the UN and ILO conventions relevant to the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+). The nine INSPIRED+ locally led policy dialogues contributed to the nurturing of trust between stakeholders as well as to increased capacities of CSOs and social partners in monitoring and advocacy. This ultimately led to the adoption of locally owned roadmaps towards the full implementation of the relevant UN and ILO conventions.

9 policy dialogues

Topic: Gender equality in the labour market
Dialogue host: OxYGen

Topic: Socio-economic rights of women
Dialogue host: UNITAS

Topic: Regulatory framework for domestic workers
Dialogue host: ACLCVBG

Topic: Mediation and labour dispute resolution
Dialogue host: Aurat Foundation

Topic: Economic rights of people with disabilities
Dialogue host: CPI

Topic: Economic rights of people with disabilities
Dialogue host: Tegsh Niigem

Topic: Labour rights of women working in agriculture in Punjab province
Hosting Structure: Aurat Foundation

Topic: Violence against women
Hosting Structure: DECIDAMOS

Topic: Land rights
Hosting Structure: ANGOC

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