Djuntu pa igualdadi! (Cape Verde)
- Donor: European Union
- Topic: Inclusion
- Coordinator: European Partnership for Democracy
- Approach: INSPIRED
A participatory response to gender-based violence
This project aimed to contribute to the fostering of a favourable legal, institutional and social environment in Cape Verde for the promotion of women’s rights, more specifically of those of GBV victims. The project sought to promote a climate in which public authorities paid respect to their obligations and women’s socio economic inclusion and participation in public life was increased. It was implemented by a consortium of four organisations: EPD, the Associação Caboverdiana de Luta Contra Violência Baseada no Género (ACLCVBG), the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and Club de Madrid (CdM) and was funded by the European Union. For more information click here.
A favourable social, institutional, and legal environment was facilitated for women’s empowerment, gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, and victim support through:
- Conducting capacity-building and inclusive participatory public policy dialogues, during which Cape Verdean social actors collaboratively addressed deficiencies in the implementation of pertinent public policies and identified avenues for positive transformations.
- Establishing and implementing a mechanism for inter-institutional articulation and coordination.
- Supporting the incorporation of diverse GBV crimes into the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure
Open positions
Working for democracy provides an opportunity to contribute towards shaping fair, just, and equitable societies around the world. Our network of organisations, located at the heart of Europe, is dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals’ and communities’ freedoms and human rights through our programmes, research, and advocacy activities.