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Our sources of funding

In line with our core principle of transparency, below you can find the sources of EPD funding for 2019-2023.  Our funding comes from various sources, including the EU, EU member states, private foundations and member fees.

Funding 2023

Sources of funding 2023: 
European Commission: 5,747,583
Private foundations: 327,112
EPD members' fees: 142,979

Funding 2022

EPD sources of funding 2021

Funding 2021

EPD sources of funding 2020

Funding 2020

EPD sources of funding 2021

Funding 2019

EPD sources of funding 2020

Our statutes and annual accounts are publicly available on the websites of the Moniteur Belge and the Belgian National Bank.

Current and past donors

Civitates logo
European Endowment for Democracy
European Union logo
GiZ logo
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands logo
Open Society Foundation logo
Robert Bosch Stiftung logo