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Improving education on authoritarianism and preparing recommendations for EU democracy support

This project was implemented by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in partnership with the European Partnership for Democracy and it was co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. It focused on improving general education on authoritarianism and preparing recommendations for EU foreign policy stakeholders regarding democracy support.

MORDOR had two main goals. First, it aimed to improve and strengthen the study and education of dictatorships worldwide by creating an encyclopedia and other didactic materials. Second, it provided recommendations for EU foreign policy, concerning its democracy support strategies, capabilities and vision.

For this project, EPD also developed smaller reports, infographics, and analyses of EU democracy promotion activities. It is this second part that EPD was most involved in, given our long-standing experience with democracy support policy and programmes. You can find more information on the project website.

This project was implemented from November 2021 until October 2024.