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Support to initiatives promoting integral elections in Ghana and increasing the participation of women in politics

Sep 2010 – Mar 2013

Consolidating democracy through gender equity and democratic representation

This project sought to further consolidate Ghanean democracy by ensuring gender equity and fairness in representation in Parliament as well as other national governance institutions. To achieve this objective the following line of action was set. Encouraging women participation in the 2012 parliamentary elections. Balancing the electoral field for aspiring women parliamentarians. Providing assistance to better package the messaging campaigns of women parliamentary aspirants and candidates and better market them. Increasing the number of women candidates to ultimately increase the number of women parliamentarians.


  • The organisation of pre and post primaries workshop for female parliamentary candidates as well as the organisation of post election capacity-building workshops for female members of parliament.
  • The design of and launching of an advocacy campaign promoting female candidates as well as the bridging of gaps between civil society and political actors with the help of women’s Ghanaian civil society organisations.
  • The organisation of joint workshops for the women’s wings of political parties as well as of civil society organisations to contribute to the publication of a women’s manual.

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Working for democracy provides an opportunity to contribute towards shaping fair, just, and equitable societies around the world. Our network of organisations, located at the heart of Europe, is dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals’ and communities’ freedoms and human rights through our programmes, research, and advocacy activities.