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PASC | Programme d’Appui à la Société Civile en Tunisie


Strengthening civil society’s contribution to political and economic dialogue

This project sought to strengthen the contribution of Tunisian civil society to political and economic dialogue. Furthermore it was designed to contribute to the consolidation of the rule of law, democratisation and socio-economic development. In order to achieve this the project attempted to strengthen the operational capacities of Tunisian civil society organisations to empower them to more effectively perform their role in the framework of the democratic transition and economic development of the country. Including through concrete field actions. The project also planned to work on improving the institutional environment Tunisian civil society operated in through the operation procedures, legislative and regulatory texts as well as the capacity of their national partners whether state or local authorities; all factors that govern the intervention of civil society in Tunisia. 

PASC - Tunisia


  • The programmes reached 3576 CSOs contributing to the development of their capacity to interact with the political sphere.
  • Following a multi-party approach support was provided to female political candidates in the perspective of future elections, increased gender parity, particularly in predominantly patriarchal Southern Tunisia, was advocated for to better integrate women in the policy-making process.
  • The programme successfully built spaces for dialogue at local level around policy issues identified by local CSOs resulting in strong ownership over the programme in contrast to the approach in vigour during the Ben Ali years.


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