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PALOMA | Peace through Advocacy with Local Organisations and Multi Actor Actions

2017 – 2019
  • n/a

This project sought to contribute to the prevention of radicalisation among Tunisian youth in vulnerable environments. Through concrete actions it aimed at the dissemination of a culture of peace. In order to achieve this it provided support to heighten the profile and involvement of Tunisian civil society, regional public actors and local media in both local and national strategic planning for efforts to raise awareness on the issue of youth radicalisation. The project contributed to the creation CSO networks working on peacebuilding and the creation of local and national mechanisms contributing to the fight against youth radicalisation.


  • 3 national and 1 regional CSO networks were established and local actors were provided with capacity building training.
  • Participatory diagnosis was carried out to establish territorial, regional and national strategies and observation plans, leading up to the creation of a coordinated strategic plan.
  • An international conference was held following the creation of 3 observatories on countering radicalisation and dissemination of a culture of peace.