Media and Freedom of Expression in the Framework of EU Democracy Support
- Donor: European Union
- Topic: Information Space
- Coordinator: Particip GmbH
- European Partnership for Democracy
Supporting the implementation of EU Democracy Action Plans and Human Rights and Democracy Country Strategies.
This project aimed at ensuring the incorporation into the EU Democracy Action Plans and Human Rights and Democracy Country Strategies of issues surrounding freedom of expression, right to information and freedom of the media. This project was implemented as part of EU democracy support. The following concerns informed the main thematic focus of the technical assistance project: access to information, online media and new technologies, responses to an evolving media landscape and the place of public service media. The two main target groups were EU delegations and EU Member State missions’ staff and selected media actors. For more information click here.

- The project’s inputs were successfully integrated into the EU Democracy Action Plans/Human Rights and Democracy Country Strategies.
- The capacity of media actors to promote and exercise their right to access public information was established or reinforced.
- The knowledge of EU Delegations’ staff and media actors on EU Guidelines on Freedom of Expression was improved satisfactorily.
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