African Union Civic Tech Fund
- Donor: GIZ
- Topic: Innovation
- Coordinator: European Partnership for Democracy
This project aimed to foster and support initiatives seeking to strengthen citizen engagement through innovative tools and digital technologies in African Union Member States. Through the use of the African Union Civic Tech Fund it showcased effective models of citizen-led transformative action across the African continent. The Fund focused on providing small grants to NGOs providing services in civic spaces and on initiatives led by small and medium businesses with a deep civic participation objective.

- Civic tech initiatives of 9 organisations across the African continent were upscaled and provided with capacity-building.
- Citizens’ watchdog role was enhanced through the project’s support of civic tech initiatives to evaluate the functioning of institutions and leaders’ performance and monitor their expenditure.
- Citizens governance knowledge was significantly enhanced through the project’s support of civic tech initiatives that aimed at connecting citizens with their leaders, raising awareness of their political rights and law on elections, providing them information on voter registration and polling locations and combating disinformation during elections.
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