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DIPD – Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy

DIPD - Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy
The Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD) is a community of parties in the Danish parliament who work with international partners to support and strengthen the development of democratic societies, in particular the development of political parties and multi-party systems in developing countries.
  • Nørregade 6, 3rd Floor, 1165 Copenhagen (Denmark).

DIPD was established by law in 2010 to strengthen Danish democracy assistance. DIPD works in partnerships to support mutual inspiration and learning between political parties in Denmark and in developing countries. DIPD strives to make political parties more inclusive and more politically and organizationally well-functioning. DIPD works to develop and further democratic institutions in political systems and civil society, focusing especially on young people’s and women’s political participation.

DIPD collaborates first and foremost with political parties, political movements, and cross-party platforms, but also with civil society actors, the media, and other actors. The criteria for DIPD’s collaborators are that they take part in the democratic process and commit themselves to promoting democratisation.

DIPD’s partnerships aim to increase political dialogue and cooperation. DIPD accomplishes this by collaborating with partners to guarantee that political parties are democratic organisations and that political parties are inclusive and engaging institutions. Special emphasis has been put on concentrated efforts to increase the engagement of women and youth in political parties and processes. This is done to ensure equitable and fair opportunities for all, something DIPD considers to be a pillar of successful democracies.

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Working for democracy provides an opportunity to contribute towards shaping fair, just, and equitable societies around the world. Our network of organisations, located at the heart of Europe, is dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals’ and communities’ freedoms and human rights through our programmes, research, and advocacy activities.