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Anna Lührmann

Anna Lührmann is the Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office. She was previously the Deputy Director of the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute and Assistant Professor at the University of Gothenburg. Prior to turning to academia, she was a Member of Parliament in the German National Parliament (Bundestag; 2002 – 2009). Anna’s work has been published in the Journal of Democracy, Electoral Studies, and in Democratization and International Political Science Review amongst many others. Her latest research focuses on how and why democracy is eroding in many countries across the world, contributing to the Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratization project. At V-Dem, Anna leads on outreach, policy and fundraising activities, and contributes to the administration of the institute and their flagship dataset. Anna has also served as a consultant for UNDP, the World Bank, USAID and others. Left the board due to a change in position.