Netherlands Helsinki Committee
Het Nutshuis Riviervismarkt 5, 2513 AM The Hague, The Netherlands
Especially today, Netherlands Helsinki Committee is still deeply encouraged by these brave human rights defenders and we continue to work on our mission to inspire, engage and support catalysts of change in building just and rights-respecting societies in wider Europe, covering Eastern Europe, Western Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia and the European Union. The organisation envisions a world in which every person lives in a just society where human rights and the rule of law are respected, and where people join forces to actively contribute to change in that direction.
For this to happen, we need resilient civil society organisations that raise their voice in defence of human rights, we need our governments to be held accountable and act with integrity, and we need independent, inclusive and humane justice systems that protect people, especially when they are marginalised or historically underrepresented in decision-making. These areas form the cornerstones of the organisation’s work.
Netherlands Helsinki Committee believes that positive change is possible, and that it can happen especially when we are building bridges among the different actors that have a role to play in bringing about the change we urgently need in the world today. Catalysts of change can be everywhere: in the East and in the West of Europe, in civil society, in government administrations, in the judiciary and in communities.
Through our unique and historic networks and contacts, the organisation is able to support change makers in these sectors by strengthening their capacities and by amplifying their voices. By building bridges between catalysts of change from different sectors and countries, Netherlands Helsinki Committee stands strong together for human rights, rule of law and justice in wider Europe.
Open positions
Working for democracy provides an opportunity to contribute towards shaping fair, just, and equitable societies around the world. Our network of organisations, located at the heart of Europe, is dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals’ and communities’ freedoms and human rights through our programmes, research, and advocacy activities.