ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy
Strasbourg Headquarters, Council of Europe 1, Avenue de l’Europe, F-67075 Strasbourg, France.
+33 3 90 21 45 93
What is unique about ALDA?
Most of ALDA’s work is based on the method of multilateral decentralised cooperation. This method involves a multi-stakeholder approach, which focuses on strong partnerships between local authorities and civil society organisations. These partnerships create positive synergy and ensure that common goals are reached jointly and successfully.
What we do and where we work
In the framework of promoting good governance and citizen participation at the local level, ALDA focuses on various themes, such as European integration, decentralisation, civic initiatives and volunteering, human rights, and sustainable economic development.
The activities of ALDA are articulated around three main areas:
- ALDA Europe The activities of ALDA help raise citizens’ understanding and sense of belonging to the European Union and stimulate intercultural dialogue and civic participation in the European Union focusing on four main pillars: citizenship, culture, education and volunteering; social issues; youth empowerment and employment; health and environment.
- ALDA Cooperation ALDA works in the Western Balkans and in the European Neighbourhood – Mediterranean area, Eastern Europe, and Southern Caucasus – to foster good governance, citizen participation, European integration, and decentralisation.
- ALDA Plus ALDA supports other stakeholders – local and regional authorities, civil society organisations, and educational institutions – by providing a wide range of services such as training and capacity-building activities, technical assistance, and ad hoc consultancy on different topics, including project development and implementation, project financial management and audit, EU institutions, EU funds and programmes, citizens participation (methods and techniques), non-formal youth education.
Open positions
Working for democracy provides an opportunity to contribute towards shaping fair, just, and equitable societies around the world. Our network of organisations, located at the heart of Europe, is dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals’ and communities’ freedoms and human rights through our programmes, research, and advocacy activities.